Lots of questions – not a lot of answers. Yet.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m getting together with a local builder.  Today’s task was writing down the 1000 questions I have for him, then boiling it down to the first 5.  I have no idea how the conversation will go so I’m going to be pretty flexible.  The number 1 question I want to walk away with an answer to: what should I do next?  Could be reading material, other people to talk to, or skills to learn.  In any case I’ll have at least a very next step.  I’ll be sure to post about that interview after it happens…

Another direction I’m going to capture some input is with a survey to local riders.  The Salt Cycle crew is very responsive (and about 800 ppl strong).  I’ve pulled together a few questions to get a feel for what people think about features, specs, value, and the importance of locally-built.  But… I left that list on my desk at work so I’ll post the questions and results later.

Finally, I haven’t spent any of my $100 yet so I did some poking around on Amazon and found a few interesting titles.